Code or Be Coded: Why Designers Can’t Ignore Tech Anymore

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. The line between design and development? It’s not just blurring; it’s practically non-existent. And if you’re still thinking they’re worlds apart, you might be living under a rock.

  1. Collaboration is Key: When designers get their hands dirty with code, projects don’t just finish; they shine. This isn’t about slapping on a fresh coat of paint; it’s about understanding the foundation. Dive into real-time collaboration, make decisions that matter, and streamline that workflow.

  2. Catch Issues Before They’re Issues: Armed with a bit of coding insight, designers become the project’s secret weapon. Spot a misaligned element? Fix it. A color that’s slightly off? Adjust it. Be the design ninja who nips issues in the bud, saving everyone time and headaches.

  3. Functionality Matters: Design isn’t just about looking good on a mood board. It’s the roadmap for an interactive journey. Grasp the mechanics, and ensure your designs aren’t just eye candy but robust, adaptable, and user-centric.

  4. Informed Decisions: When you’re in tune with the tech side, your design choices aren’t shots in the dark. They’re calculated moves. It’s about crafting designs that are not only visually stunning but also technically sound.


It’s not about becoming a full-stack developer overnight. It’s about broadening horizons, enhancing collaboration and becoming a badass design ninja 🥷

Hello! I'm Sergi, a product designer from Barcelona with a passion for coding. Throughout the last decade I've traveled across the globe collaborating with companies of all industries and markets. My years in Berlin further enriched this experience, allowing me to work with organizations of all sizes, from early-stage startups to well known industry leaders...

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